Archbishop Moeller High School
Color & Usage Download Logos Web Page Templates Printed Materials Request

Web Page Templates
These templates will help you quickly and easily build informational pages for your students. Each template has a specific department logo. The page is set-up with space on the left for links to additional pages, so multiple pages can easily be created. The copy area of the page has plenty of room for text and images.

Web Safe Colors

Web Page TemplatesWhen using these templates we recommend the following color palette: Links and headers be in Blue – RGB value 0,0,153, or web safe 000099, body copy in Black – RGB value 0,0,0 or web safe 000000, and if needed as an accent color, Yellow – RGB value 255, 204, 51 or web safe FFCC33. Keep the background of the template as white, since it allows for easier printing.

Download Templates

Each template is a zipped file and includes the html code, department logo, crusader mark, sample link and text. The department logo links back to the Moeller home page. The file called index.html will be your home or first page. The file called sample.html is a secondary page. Templates can be opened in any html editor.

To download template: Right-click on link, select "Save Target As"

Art DepartmentMoeller Only (no department)
Business OfficeMusic Department
English DepartmentP.E. & Health Department
Foreign Language DepartmentReligion Department
Guidance DepartmentScience Department
History DepartmentTechnology Department
Math Department 


©2003 Archbishop Moeller High School
9001 Montgomery Rd | Cincinnati, OH 45242 | phone: (513)791-1680 | Fax: (513)792-3343

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